Climacterium and menopause

Climacterium and menopause



Climacterium and menopause

From puberty to the period of transition, a woman's life is accompanied by cyclical hormonal activity. With advancing age, there are disturbances in this physiologically very complicated. Every woman thus enters the period of transition, or menopause, when her reproductive function. This period is quite difficult for most women, as there are changes and unpleasant symptoms both physically and and their social roles change.

The incipient imbalance of sex control and performance hormones results in a permanent estrogen deficiency. Their presence has a significant protective effect. Their deficiency therefore starts or accelerates many different chronic and degenerative diseases that significantly reduce the quality of life. Preventive measures, which must be comprehensive and timely, are essential to prevent these undesirable changes.

The age of menopause fluctuates around the age of 50. It is mainly determined genetically. The onset of menopause is reduced by 1.5 years by smoking, malnutrition and a certain influence surgical sterilization and hysterectomy.
Premature menopause before the age of 45 (sometimes referred to as 40) can have very serious consequences for a woman's health.

Glossary of terms

CLIMACTERIUM is a phase of aging in women marking the transition from the reproductive phase to the non-reproductive state.
MENOPAUSE is the last bleeding in a woman's life (can only be determined retrospectively, one year after).
CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME is the presence of unpleasant symptoms during this period.
PREMENOPAUSE is a period of several years before the last bleeding, when disturbances in the hormonal activity of a woman are already beginning to appear.
PERIMENOPAUSE is the period including premenopause and the period up to the last bleeding.
POSTMENOPAUSE is the period beginning more than a year after the last bleeding.
GERIPAUSE is the period over 65 years of age of a woman (early) and over 85 years of age (late).
ORGANIC ESTROGENDEFICIT SYNDROME is mucosal atrophy (thinning and reduced mucosal quality) caused by estrogen deficiency.
METABOLIC ESTROGENDEFICIT SYNDROME is the development of metabolic diseases such as dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, impaired glucose tolerance and osteoporosis, accelerated by estrogen deficiency.

Climacteric syndrome - is a set of typical symptoms, characteristic of hormonal changes. The most common symptoms include hot flashes in the head, sudden flushing, sweating, insomnia, heart palpitations and disturbances in its rhythm, trembling and shaking, irritability, insomnia, mental instability and depression, as well as joint pain, etc.

The premenopausal and perimenopausal periods are characterized by irregularities of the menstrual cycle, which are often resolved by surgical
interventions (curettage - scraping, hysterectomy - removal of the uterus).

The postmenopausal period is insidious in that at first a woman has no obvious or serious problems, but then they suddenly appear after a few years as atrophic inflammations of the mucous membranes (vagina, urinary tract, eyes, gums, intestines...) or even later as metabolic diseases (atherosclerosis resulting in myocardial infarction or stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis with fracture, etc.).


It is based mainly on clinical symptoms and findings during gynaecological examination with evaluation of mucosal condition and also on hormonal examination (almost worthless in the early premenopausal period). An important role is now also played by vaginal ultrasound to evaluate the uterine mucosa. To assess the severity of climacteric questionnaires (e.g. Kupperman index) are used to assess the severity of the menopause.


Classical treatment

The most effective, but often controversial, treatment is hormone therapy. In women with a uterus, it is necessary to administer both hormones, i.e. estrogens and gestagens to protect the lining of the uterus, and estrogens alone in women after removal of the uterus. We refer to these drugs as "HRT or HST"
(Hormone Replacement Therapy). For healthy premenopausal women, low-dose contraception can also be used. In women with premature menopause or more severe estrogen deficiency, HRT is the only causal treatment that leads to an improvement in their health. However, it must be administered at the right time and after a proper gynaecological, internal and mammographic examination, after
elimination of all contraindications and determination of individual risk. It should be tailored to each patient individually. At the same time, there is a whole range of application forms of treatment, from tablets to creams, patches, injections to subcutaneous implants and sprays. Other non-hormonal treatments are of relatively little importance, while drugs with effects on hormone receptors are gaining in importance, which do not have some of the risks of estrogens. In recent years, preparations containing so-called phytoestrogens (substances isolated from plants - e.g. soya and red clover - which also have an effect on hormone receptors) acupuncture, exercise, psychotherapy and others.


Climacterium, menopause and Energy preparations

Energy products harmonize hormonal processes, regenerate hormone-producing organs, prevent the development of pathological chain reactions and supply the necessary building blocks. The timely and correct use of the products prevents often unnecessary operations and the development of degenerative and metabolic diseases that are related to estrogen deficiency.


Main products

GYNEX - harmonizes hormonal activity, regulates irregular cycles, and thus reduces surgical interventions such as curettage or hysterectomy, prevents ovarian cysts and heavy menstrual bleeding, relieves breast pain, helps with mild and moderate forms menopausal syndrome, relieves flushing and, above all, helps destabilized women's psyche. It is the most important medicine for the treatment of pre- and perimenopause, significantly increases the quality of life (dose 5-7 drops 3 times a day).
CYTOVITAL - cream is applied to the lower abdomen, sacral area, breasts, yin acupuncture pathways and reflex zones of the organs of the small pelvis.
It significantly enhances the effects of Gynex. For psychological imbalance, apply to the forehead and under the nose (acupuncture point GV26).
KOROLEN - works well in psychological exhaustion and in flushes eliminates stress trigger reactions. Corrects irregular bleeding when taking hormonal drugs by acting on the micro vessels of the uterine mucosa. With timely application, the symptoms of menopausal syndrome can be can be minimized or completely eliminated (dose 4-7 drops 3 times a day).
PERALGIN - in many women has a significant effect on the reduction and disappearance of even stronger hot flashes, eliminates headaches and painful
menstruation. It is even more effective than Gynex in suppressing hot flashes (dose 1 capsule 2-3 times a day).


Complementary products

SKELETIN - a highly bioavailable form of magnesium and calcium is effective in preventing bone thinning and gelatin counteracts the development of degeneration of articular cartilage (dosage 2-2-1 capsules per day).
VITAMARIN - unsaturated fatty acids have an "anti-aging" effect (against cell aging) and prevent the formation and development of metabolic and degenerative diseases (dosage 2-3 times a day 1 capsule).
SPIRULINA BARLEY - green foods - have a beneficial effect on cell metabolism and supply enzymes and other necessary substances (dose of 2 tablets 1-3 times a day).

Due to the diverse symptoms of menopause, other Energy products such as: Regalen, Celitin, Phytomineral, Revitae, Balneol and Biotermal.

It is advisable to alternate the supplementary preparations and they can be combined with each other.
The dosage given is only indicative and must be adjusted according to the condition of the disease, age and reactivity of the patient.


Prospectus Climacterium and menopause prepared by MUDr. Bohdan Haltmar



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