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Vendor: TCM Herbs

111 Dam of Yellow River (BEI XIE SHEN SHI WAN), 100 tbl

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111 Dam of Yellow River (BEI XIE SHEN SHI WAN), 100 tbl
111 Dam of Yellow River (BEI XIE SHEN SHI WAN), 100 tbl


  • Description
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Dam of Yellow River (code 111)

Affects based on the TCM:

  • Dispels dampness and heat SHI/RE
  • Cools heat in blood RE XUE and brisks up YU XUE blood
  • Tonifies qi of spleen PI QI XU
  • Diuretic


  • Vaginal discharges and mycoses (Fluor vaginalis)
  • Enlarged prostate (Adenoma prostatae)
  • Inflammation of the prostate (Prostatitis)
  • Prolonged leg ulcers (Chron. Ulci cruri)
  • Damp and itchy eczemas (Atopic eczema)

Description according to traditional Chinese medicine: This is a modification of the original traditional Chinese herbal mixture BEI XIE SHEN SHI WAN, adjusted to meet today’s needs. The indications and diagnoses above could imply at first sight that these are incongruous problems and diseases without any common aspects, seemingly not associated with each other. However, the opposite is true – from the point of view of Chinese medicine this involves accumulation of moisture and heat SHI/RE in the lower burner XIA JIAO, which is the cause of all these problems. In some people improper lifestyle, stress and excessive emotions may result in the formation of such moisture and heat SHI/RE not only in the middle burner ZHONG XIAO, but especially in the lower burner XIA JIAO. According to Chinese medicine, the term lower burner XIA JIAO refers to everything from the navel (waist) down, i.e. including the function of the kidneys, the urinary bladder, the intestine, all genital organs, including prostate, vagina and ovaries. It also controls and runs lower limbs. All body fluids (blood, lymph, interstitial fluid, etc.), that run “under the navel” must always pass this lower burner XIA JIAO so they could smoothly reach the lower limbs and from there back again through the famous lower burner XIA JIAO.  The opposite then logically results in subsequent problems, when the organism needs to get rid of this condition, in our case in the form of discharge: the accumulation of moisture and heat SHI/RE in the lower burner XIA JIAO impairs, and sometimes even blocks, the proper discharge of urine – which accumulates there in the form of thick, cloudy urine, enlarged or inflammatory prostate and difficult urination in men.  In women this condition is manifested by gynaecological discharge in the form of white or yellow, itchy, burning and odorous vaginal discharge. Blood blocks YU XUE and stagnating qi energy QI ZHI in the lower burner XIA JIAO are first manifested on the lower limbs by burning, pain, insensitivity, tingling, numbness, with the development of leg ulcers (from the state of excess) of chronic nature and lead to a disease called the Buerger’s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans), clotting of small and medium-sized blood vessels on the lower limbs due to inflammations and recurring thrombosis. It goes hand in hand with the occurrence (anywhere) of itchy and purulent eczema. Treatment usually takes several months and the consumption of sweets and dairy products is not recommended because it worsens the problems considerably.

Packaging: 100 tablets / 30 g (100% natural, natural cellulose max. 1% is the only binding agent; made from concentrated herbs at a ratio of 5:1, i.e. 5 g of dried herbs are used per gram of herbal tablets)

Dosage: 3 times daily 4 tablets, children over 3 years of age 3 times daily 2 tablets

More information about dosage and using herbal tablets.

Shipping costs are based on the delivery method chosen, regardless of the size of the order.

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Items can be returned or exchanged within 14 days of delivery.

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