Factors affecting the musculoskeletal system
The musculoskeletal system is made up of both the support system, i.e. the bone and joint system, and the power system, i.e. mainly muscles and tendons.
It can only function under collateral conditions:
- sufficient nutrient supply (arteries)
- perfect drainage of the waste products produced during exercise (lymphatic vessels and then veins)
- precise control of movement both at the periphery (nerves) and by central control (spinal cord and brain)
The locomotor system is also affected:
- the hormonal system
- the psyche
- stereotyped work, which places a unilateral load on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems
The musculoskeletal system can be significantly trained, together with the cardiovascular system, on which its function is fully dependent.
Causes and manifestations of arthrosis
The cause of damage to the joints, specifically the articular cartilage, is:
- too much stress
- instability and decentration in the joint
- any displacement, atypical loading, whether off-axis or in unusual positions, in extreme cold - all of these accelerate the process
By overloading the joint, the cartilage is worn away and the body reacts to this:
- healing inflammation
- the formation of reinforcing growths to support the overloaded area or to limit excessive movement
- the loss of the noble shape of the affected joint; it may be swollen, warm but not red
- pain, sometimes very intense
- in severe cases, the cartilage is gradually destroyed and the bones in the joint become stiff and even coarse, and the pain is usually in the affected joint is relieved
Causes and manifestations of arthritis
It is primarily an inflammatory process where destructive inflammation takes place in the joint area. It can also affect ligaments and a variety of other body tissues such as the iris, urethra, intestine, muscles, tendons, kidneys... Significant destructive changes are possible here, especially if the inflammation lasts a long time.
The cause may be:
- infectious (e.g. salmonellosis)
- autoimmune:
(a) primary - i.e. immediately (e.g. in rheumatoid arthritis)
(b) the initially infectious condition develops into autoimmune inflammation (for example, in Lyme disease), but the course is not as severe
Typical manifestations:
- rheumatoid arthritis can lead to stiff joints and joint distortion, especially in the hands.
- joints become hot, often have a bizarre shape, redness, swelling, effusion inside the joint
- the disease is always accompanied by general symptoms, such as slightly increased temperature, fatigue, indigestion, weight loss, inefficiency
- the laboratory results usually show indicators typical of this type of inflammation, but sometimes the laboratory findings are surprisingly poor
- arthritis can be quite mild, but in some cases it can be severely disabling
- In both diseases there is considerable sensitivity to changes in the weather.
Classical treatment
In both situations, medicine tries to work with inflammation and deal with its consequences. Inflammation is suppressed by drugs of the analgesic - antiphlogistic type, i.e. drugs designed to treat both inflammation and pain. Most often these are substances of the type of ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac and others. If these treatment fails and the inflammation persists, drugs to suppress immune reactions, especially corticosteroids, are administered, especially in rheumatoid arthritis, antimalarials, cytostatics. In severe joint deformities, joint replacement surgery is resorted to - endoprosthesis. The complex of care
The complex care of a patient with joint problems includes, from the very beginning, consistent rehabilitation, not only exercise, but also spa therapy, adequate compensatory aids.
Osteoarthritis, arthritis and Energy products
Energy products are a gentle alternative to conventional medicine and reduce the risk of sometimes serious side effects of drugs. They use principles of bioinformation and bioresonance and therefore show much better efficacy than simple supplements.
Main products:
RENOL - in a dose of 5-0-0 drops, it restores energy flows in the joint, starts detoxification, directs the effect of other products to the joints.
DRAGS IMUN - 8 drops 3 times a day - reduces inflammatory activity, especially in the joints.
CYTOSAN - 3 times a day 1 capsule - detoxification will remove residual bacteria, viruses that may perpetuate inflammation activity; this should significantly relieve pain.
SKELETIN - at a dose of 2-2-1 capsules - an important supplement that will offer the joints the substances needed to nourish them.
Rub PROTECTIN on joints 3 times a day to soothe ligaments and other soft tissues near the joint.
Always discontinue Renol after 2 months of use and use STIMARAL at a dose of 7-7-0 drops to replenish strength for further treatment.
Bath in BALNEOL once a week as a "home" spa treatment.
Main products:
RENOL - administer at a dose of 5-0-5 drops.
SKELETIN - in a dose of 2-2-1 capsules nourishes cartilage, removes blocks in energy flows in the joint area.
3 times a week bath in BALNEOL.
CYTOSAN - 3 times a day 1 capsule will help remove water from the joint.
Painful areas rubbed with ARTRIN to soothe irritated joint.
Always discontinue Renol after 3 months and take KING KONG at a dose of 7 drops 3 times a day to strengthen the body overall.
Joint problems are a very unpleasant complication of life, which is very solvable especially in the beginning by alternative methods, that can stop the disease. The more advanced the condition, the more difficult it usually is to treat. However, experience shows great potential affecting painful conditions, delaying surgery and improving quality of life in active people who add herbal treatments and baths
and a joyful attitude to life.
Brochure Arthrosis, arthritis prepared by MUDr. Alexandra Vosátková