First aid at home and on the road

First aid at home and on the road



In households, injuries most often occur when working with sharp objects, handling hot drinks and food, falling and small jobs of all kinds. Sudden nausea or infectious disease is also a complication when out of reach of medical treatment. Vacations bring with them changes in climate, weather, diet, air-conditioned environments, long travel and unusual physical activity. Sports injuries, digestive problems and problems associated with sun exposure and heat in general increase, as does the risk of both trivial and severe infections.

The contents of the Energy Pharmacy are designed to take into account the most common injuries and health problems, the need for external and internal use and the appropriate combinability of products.

Energy products:

Drags Immune

The most used product indispensable on the road. It is a versatile natural remedy - acting as an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal.
Infections - use for all respiratory, flu and febrile illnesses (including hepatitis, malaria, etc.). Diluted it can be used as a gargle. Due to its effects on pathogenic microorganisms, it is ideal to administer Drags Immune for diarrhea of any infectious origin (viruses, salmonella, campylobacter, etc.). It will also prevent the development of vaginal complaints.

  • abrasions, wounds - Drags Immune is very suitable for disinfection of superficial and deeper wounds - it creates a protective film, accelerates healing and stops bleeding. It can be applied directly to the wound, it does not burn.
  • insect stings - when stung by a bee, wasp or other insects or burned by a jellyfish, Drags Immune disinfects the wound, eliminates the effect of the poison and brings relief from pain and itching. When bitten by a tick, it prevents the penetration of microbes (encephalitis, Lyme disease) into the body, it is important to administer it internally at the same time.
  • burns - it can be used as a diluted solution for application to sunburned or irritated skin.

internally: up to 10 drops 3 times a day, in a drink after meals.
Externally: concentrated or in a dilute solution.



Digestive disorders -
disinfects and cleanses the intestines, regulates stools, counteracts flatulence and promotes peristalsis. Adjusts the pH of human
pH of the organism, it is suitable for acidity of the stomach, heartburn. It is administered for stomach and intestinal disorders, heavy diet, constipation
and diarrhoea.
Detoxification - protects against poisons, heavy metals and free radicals, has maximum effect in the colon, purifies the blood.
Skin - treat abrasions, various types of wounds or burns on the skin with it (pour the contents of the capsule on the wound or dilute it with water to
slurry and rub the injured area). It disinfects and promotes healing.
Consequences of exposure to the sun - protects the body against the adverse effects of free radicals and UV rays, recommended for preventive use when
sun allergy. After excessive exposure to the sun, it can be made into a bath with a cooling effect. It is used for heatstroke and heat stroke.

internally: 1-3 capsules per day after meals with sufficient water.
Externally: the contents of the capsule alone or diluted with water to make a slurry.


Digestive disorders - Regalen herbal concentrate regulates the digestive process, digestion and ensures proper absorption of nutrients. It is useful for all
stomach, intestinal, liver and gallbladder problems. It is effective for dietary errors, lack of appetite, stomach upset, feelings of fullness, bloating, diarrhea and allergic reactions.
Detoxification, fatigue - overall supports immunity and removes waste products, parasites, fungi and toxins from the body that may be causing long-term feelings of exhaustion. It has proven useful for mental and physical exhaustion, insomnia and headaches.

Use: for acute digestive problems 1 drop every 15 minutes, preventively 3-5 drops ½ hour before meals.



Musculoskeletal, pain - an ideal remedy for pain of various types. It works well on muscle, joint, bone, spine pain or tendons. It is also suitable for headaches, toothaches, tired and strained legs. It can be used for conditions after concussion, heat stroke and heat stroke.
Injuries - reduces bleeding and reduces post-traumatic shock.
Inflammation - effective in treating all inflammatory conditions (gallbladder, pancreas, muscles, tendons, veins, lungs, kidneys, middle ear, intestines, sinuses
and teeth, gynaecological origin). In fever, it is rubbed on the feet. It gives great relief in acute haemorrhoids.
Psyche - Artrin removes mental tension, acts in general fatigue and exhaustion.

Use: several times a day rub the affected area or the area above the inflamed organ.



Blood vessels - rubbing and massaging the feet in the direction of blood and lymph outflow will protect the blood vessels during long journeys, avoiding unpleasant pain. The cream has a preventive effect against blood stagnation in the blood vessels and the risk of thrombosis. It will greatly relieve pregnant mothers when travelling.
It prevents the formation of blood clots and accelerates the absorption of blood bruises. It is effective in varicose veins, chronic hemorrhoids and superficial broken veins.
Skin - relieves the effects of excessive sunbathing to sunburn, quickly regenerates the skin. It is used for burns, abrasions, bedsores, rashes, etc.

Use: rub the affected area several times a day.



Ear problems - Audiron is for external use only. It is used for middle ear and ear canal inflammation, pain, itching and ear discharges that are common with swimming and diving. It can help with tinnitus and ringing in the ears during air travel.
Colds, sniffles - nose and ears can be wiped with a swab moistened with Audiron. Externally rub the neck, nape of the neck, submandibular area.
and cervical nodes and behind the ears. It can be dripped into boiling water and used for inhalation. Diluted, it is used as a gargle for sore throats.
Skin, mucous membranes, teeth - can be applied to purulent sores and ulcers, aphthae, cold sores. It has a healing effect on inflammations of the teeth, insect bites, burns. Its effects can also be used in fungal diseases, including gynecological yeast inflammation.
Headache - we can rub the frontal sinuses and cervical spine with it.

Ears: apply a few drops of Audiron directly into the ear or drip onto a cotton bud and wipe the ear canal with it.
Others: rub or rinse the affected area several times a day, apply to a tampon overnight in the vagina.



Prevention of infection - apply the spray to clothing when in places with a higher risk of infection, in public transport or shops. Spiron kills germs, cleans the air. In case of water shortage, it helps to clean dirty and sweaty hands. It will rid them of
bacteria, pleasantly deodorizes. Helps with irritating coughs.
Injuries, insects, parasites - suitable for disinfection. In an emergency it can be used for superficial wounds and purulent abscesses, counteracts inflammation
and promotes healing. Mosquitoes, ticks, spiders and lice are repelled by the scent of Spiron. A tick bite sprayed with Spiron will release more easily.
Psychic - calming effects, relieves "travel fever". Strengthens the nervous system, increases alertness, aids concentration. Ideal perfume for the car, bus and plane as a means to quickly eliminate fatigue. Relieves headaches, migraines. Antidepressant, improves mood and induces restful sleep. Suitable for children from the earliest age.

Use: one short splash in the air, on clothing or on the injured area.



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