Definition of
Preconception care can be defined as a set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures aimed at the optimal development of both female and male sex cells, as well as the preparation of the female organism for a smooth course of pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy (up to the 12th week of gestation) is of key importance for the successful development of the child. Care involving the preconceptual and early postconceptual periods is called periconceptional care.
Factors affecting future pregnancy
It is known that, biologically speaking, sex cells are very sensitive to various forms of damage, whether physical or chemical in nature. Much more so than other types of cells in the human body. The results of the examination of human sperm and eggs show that there has been a significant decline in their quality over the last 20 years. We also know that the expression of genes (their ability to exert a certain effect), transmitted by sex cells to the next generation, is influenced by various factors of the external environment, but also by the stability of the internal environment. The quality of life of the future individual is decided long before the chromosomes of the egg and sperm from which it was created have been joined.
Despite these facts, many women postpone pregnancy until later in life and underestimate the risk of certain medical conditions that are not yet outwardly apparent but can have a serious negative effect on future pregnancies.
Factors that affect pregnancy and the subsequent health of the offspring
- Nutritional status (obesity x malnutrition or anorexia)
- Current health status (compensation for chronic diseases, recovery from acute illnesses)
- Use of medication (short-term x long-term use and possible influence on the germ cells and then on the development of the embryo and the foetus - always consult a gynaecologist and the relevant specialist for the disease or a geneticist)
- Vaccinations (planned compulsory vaccinations before or after pregnancy, strictly individual consideration of other types of vaccinations)
- Lifestyle (work x rest, exercise regime, psycho-hygiene - positive thinking)
- Risk habits (drug use, smoking, alcohol, psychological addictions - excessive TV viewing, computer addiction)
- Environment (ecologically burdened landscape of industrial agglomerations x moving to the countryside)
Employment (stressful environment, unrealistic demands on work performance, violation of biorhythms in shift work x calm but motivating work, good interpersonal relationships)
- Maternal age (as age increases, the health risks to the mother and the fetus increase; over 35, the risk of Down's disease increases)
- Genetic history (the occurrence of congenital developmental defects in the families of both partners must be consulted with a geneticist to determine the mode of hereditary transmission and the likelihood of occurrence in the offspring, the possibility of genetic preimplantation diagnosis during artificial insemination)
- Reproductive history (incidence of pregnancy losses - spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, premature births, pathological course of past pregnancies - mainly gestosis, eclampsia, gestational diabetes, bleeding disorders and pregnancy-related liver and kidney disorders
- Past illnesses (injecting diseases - borreliosis, toxoplasmosis, viral hepatitis B and C, injuries - mainly pelvic, surgery, cancer...)
Food supplementation
Preconception care should include an interview about an appropriate preconception diet. Important discoveries include the fact that dietary folate deficiency leads to an increased incidence of cleft neural tube as well as spontaneous early miscarriages. Folic acid supplementation (whether in food, dietary supplements, or synthetic form) is the prevention of these conditions. Other "preconceptionally" important elements include vitamins C, E, iodine and iron.
Summary of recommendations
Weight optimization (especially obesity reduction), not smoking, not consuming large amounts of alcohol, let alone drugs, should be a matter of course for both partners planning to conceive a child.
For women, it is even more important to detect pre-cancerous cervical conditions by gynaecological examination, blood pressure measurement, thyroid function and, in the case of chronic diseases, to establish the best possible clinical and laboratory parameters, and to change medications to those that are least problematic for the subsequent pregnancy.
Preconception care and classical medicine
At the outset, it should be stated that preconception care is carried out and organized by a gynecologist, but he works closely with a general practitioner, a geneticist and specialist doctors according to the nature of pathological findings.
Preconception care and Energy preparations
Energy products are a gentle alternative to conventional medicine and reduce the risks of sometimes serious side effects of drugs. They use the principles of bioinformation and bioresonance and therefore show much better efficacy than simple supplements. The holistic medicine's comprehensive view of man and his health as a whole allows us to diagnose disorders of organ system functions much earlier than diagnostics based on biochemical or imaging methods.
Energy products
CYTOSAN (CYTOSAN INOVUM) - humate substances for basic detoxification of the organism. Very useful in chronic diseases and when burdened by environmental pollutants. Dose 2x 1 capsule on an empty stomach.
GYNEX - herbal superconcentrate with significant regenerative effect, especially in the field of hormonal regulation. It regulates the menstrual cycle, promotes the maturation of the ovum and its release during ovulation. It has a positive effect on the psyche of a woman. Dose 3x 5 drops per day.
FYTOMINERAL- a solution of minerals in colloidal form that quickly and effectively supports the activity of enzymes that metabolize hormones. It is a very suitable supplement to Gynex. The colloidal minerals are immediately available to the cells and their effect is therefore very fast. The dose is 30 drops per day.
VITAFLORIN - multivitamin preparation from natural sources suitable for preconception preparation, stimulating the activity of the whole human organism. Folic acid deficiency leads to neural tube defects and cleft lip in the embryo. Therefore, its supplementation (by dietary supplementation) is recommended in preconception care and also in the first trimester of pregnancy. Dose 1x 1capsule per day.
BARLEY JUICE (SPIRULINA BARLEY, ORGANIC CHLORELLA) - "green food" - a source of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Very suitable for longer term use.
The regeneration procedure can also cause a temporary deterioration of the condition, when a so-called reverse reaction occurs. Symptoms of past illnesses may appear. This is a sign of a well ongoing regeneration and should be viewed as such.
Brochure Infertility prepared by MUDr. Bohdan Haltmar