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Furnizor: TCM Herbs

081 Uplifting the heavy Heart (BAN XIA HOU PO WAN), 100 tbl

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081 Uplifting the heavy Heart (BAN XIA HOU PO WAN), 100 tbl
081 Uplifting the heavy Heart (BAN XIA HOU PO WAN), 100 tbl


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Uplifting the heavy Heart (code 081)

Affects based on the TCM:

  • Brisks up stagnant QI ZHI of the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver
  • Cools internal heat RE of the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver
  • Disperses phlegm TAN and disperses entanglements
  • Decreases rebellious qi QI NI (i.e. triggers antagonistic)


  • Depression, sadness, hysteria, tearfulness, anxiety, irritability,
  • Feeling of unswallowable obstacle in the throat (so called lump in the throat), esophagus constriction, chest pressure sensation
  • Feeling of a stone in the stomach, nausea, feeling of fullness, pressure or tension in the hypochondrium and around the stomach
  • Chronic inflammation of the larynx and trachea

Description according to traditional Chinese medicine: This is a modification of the original traditional Chinese herbal mixture BAN XIA HOU PO WAN, adjusted to meet today’s needs. It is actually a natural antidepressantDepression, sadness, grief, mood swings, hysteria, anxiety, frustration, worry, fear, feeling of tension and discomfort, irritability, irascibility, restraint, etc. – these are all typical signs of stagnating energy Qi along with phlegm TAN, which plague the modern person more than what would be healthy. According to TCM, the spirit resides in the liver and its proper function is manifested by ideas, creativity, projects, live and realized visions, inspiration, planning, determination and self-direction – simply put, the spirit provides for “thought movement”. When the mind, seated in the heart, lacks that “drive” (which using the present-day language could be expressed as determination in effort) due to stagnant Qi, then one feels frustrated, without a sense of life, and loses all the above positive qualities, including loss of sharp-witted look (literally because the spirit is shown among others in the eyes and in case of full health, the expression and sight are healthy). Such a person has “spiritless” thoughts,, talks “spiritless” and behaves as if there is no spirit in them. They slowly get at the intersection of complications they are unable to face. They do not know how to deal with relationships, work, how to organize life – simply they fall into depression.  The Qi energy stagnation, which first affects the heart and the lungs first in this case (and liver afterwards), occurs due to excessive emotions. In case of the lungs this is sadness and sorrow, for heart gloominess, tearfulness, melancholia, musing or thoughtfulness. It should be noted, however, that all emotions as a result always cause a stagnation of energy QI ZHI!!! This stagnation is manifested not only by psychological symptoms (mentioned above) but also physical symptoms (below), thus fulfilling the words about the interconnection of the body and the soul, i.e. the so-called psychosomatic medicine (see Mental problems from the point of view of TCM).

The herbal mixture Falling Heart Stone (081) is ideal for all cases (and there are so many of them!) occurring due to emotional imbalance caused by stagnation Qi, changing into internal heat RE, and together with phlegm TAN they block upper and middle burners. Unlike the original classical mixture that did not cool, the herb Dan zhu ye which strongly reduces the internal heat RE, eliminates irritability and anxiety is added to the mixture.

Packaging: 100 tablets / 30 g (100% natural, natural cellulose max. 1% is the only binding agent; made from concentrated herbs at a ratio of 5:1, i.e. 5 g of dried herbs are used per gram of herbal tablets)

Dosage: 3 times daily 4 tablets, children over 3 years of age 3 times daily 2 tablets

More information about dosage and using herbal tablets.

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