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Furnizor: TCM Herbs

001 Magic of First Aid (GUI ZHI WAN), 100 tbl

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001 Magic of First Aid (GUI ZHI WAN), 100 tbl
001 Magic of First Aid (GUI ZHI WAN), 100 tbl


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Magic of First Aid (code 001)

Affects based on the TCM:

  • Excludes attack by exogenous wind of FENG or FENG/HAN cold wind from the surface of the body
  • Harmonizes the imbalance between the WEI defence layer (skin and muscle) and the nutrition layer


  • Influenza and cold
  • Viral infections
  • Feverish diseases with resistance to wind
  • Allergic and infectious rhinitis
  • Allergic urticaria, eczemas
  • Food allergies
  • Headaches, muscle, and body aches in incipient viral illness
  • Lumbar pain, sciatica
  • Neck stiffness (torticollis)
  • Excessive sweating
  • Frostbite
  • Low blood pressure
  • Inflammation of the heart muscle
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia
  • Extrasystoles, premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
  • Functional heart problems
  • Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) – bradycardia, sinus tachycardia

Description according to traditional Chinese medicine: Most of exogenous diseases are most often caused by the attack by exogenous noxious wind of FENG or cold of HAN or a combination of both, i.e., FENG/HAN cold wind. The symptoms then manifest themselves according to which is more prevalent – either the wind of FENG or the cold of HAN.

This herbal blend gracefully adjusts and harmonizes WEI defence layer and YING nourishment layer by expelling the external attack of FENG wind or FENG/HAN cold wind from both layers and making the muscle layer permeable so that QI energy can flow freely again (you can say it rolls boulders off the roads…). It belongs to the most valuable herbal mixtures used in TCM when the exogenous wind of FENG or FENG /HAN cold wind invade the surface of our body and it also corresponds to the 1st line of defence of our organism and is therefore the “first to snap” (see also the name of the mixture). It is intended for individuals whose WEI QI defensive energy is primarily weakened (deficient or cold constitutional types – see Test for optimal Diet) and are thus susceptible to frequent illnesses. On the contrary, it is unsuitable for hot and superfluous types. It is therefore often combined with a herbal mixture named Stability of the Palace Pillar (201), which expels cold, wind, and damp from joints and muscles in acute and chronic joint, muscle, and lumbar pain or rheumatic pain, including acute lumbago (sciatica).

Metaphorically, we can think of this condition as a defence of our country (ZHENG QI favourable energy, i.e., good immunity) against an external enemy (XIE QI noxious energy – in our case, FENG wind or FENG /HAN cold wind, i.e., viruses, bacteria…). Our troops on the borders of the country (WEI defence layer – associated with YANG, i.e., action) are to defend the country against external enemies and at the same time to protect the population (YING layer of nourishment – associated with YIN, nutrition) to be able to live peacefully and produce enough food, including for the army (WEI defence layer). As you can see, one depends on the other, equally. If our country is militarily weakened, it inevitably does not have enough troops on the border and our defensive wall (WEI’s weak defensive layer of skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles) is so easily attacked by the external enemy (FENG exogenous wind or FENG/HAN cold wind), that it can easily penetrate the rear (YING layer of nutrition – blood and body fluids). Here, it settles down and usurps (blocks the flow of QI – mutual communication between the population and the military, which is not getting rations) the other inhabitants by eating from their already meagre supplies that the rest of the army also lacks (imbalance between the WEI defence layer and YING food layer). A powerful ally must be summoned quickly and purposefully (in this case, the Magic of First Aid magical herbal mixture) to set the record straight and the intruder (the malevolent FENG wind or the cold wind of FENG/HAN) will be firmly and properly expelled from our land (sweat) and pacified, supplies will be replenished (YING nutrition layer will be nourished, and thus WEI layer of defence), harmony, communication, and mutually beneficial symbiosis will be re-established (the two layers will be harmonized) between the population (YING nutrition layer) and the military (WEI defence layer). This is the only way to continue to function in today’s world, where one never knows when, from where, and what kind of missile (Covid?) is about to come😊.

The typical first symptoms of the invasion of the body surface by FENG, the exogenous noxious wind, or FENG/HAN cold wind are the following:

  1. Sweating is the most important symptom and is caused by the disharmony between WEI layer of defence and YING layer of nutrition, i.e., between the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and blood, and body fluids. This is where the noxious FENG wind or the cold FENG/HAN wind “drills” most often in the first stage. Sweating can occur anytime and anywhere on the body! In any case, this sweating means a loss of the body’s YING essence and a weakening of YANG (weak constitution of the patient).
  2. Resistance to wind and draught intolerance is another typical (and quite logical) symptom of FENG wind attack. Sweating opens pores in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and this leads to greater sensitivity and even aversion to FENG wind.
  3. Fever, which is not usually high andis caused by the struggle of the inner favourable ZHONG QI, which wants to expel the cold wind of FENG/HAN by raising the internal temperature. It also appears shivering or chills caused by the cold wind of FENG/HAN which alternates with fever. Typically, when it comes to fever and chills, sweating does not make them better.
  4. Muscle pain all over the body, especially in the back of the neck (stiff neck) and head are equally important symptoms and are again caused by the cold wind of FENG/HAN blocking TAI YANG meridians that converge in the neck and head. This condition is popularly known as “blocked neck”, where the patient is somehow “clenched”.
  5. Watery nasal discharge(from FEI lungs attacked by FENG wind) or thick phlegm to stuffy nose (from FEI lungs attacked by FENG/HAN cold wind – the colder, the thicker white discharge).
  6. Urticaria or acute itchy rashmay occur because of skin attacked by the wind of FENG.
  7. Missing the feeling of thirst in a fever as opposed to what should be normal,e., the more the cold of HAN prevails over the wind of FENG, the less the feeling of thirst.
  8. Fatigue and weaknessmay also occur as the favourable ZHONG QI is weakened.

Do not use: when attacked by external wind chill of FENG/HAN XIE QI, when at the same time the internal heat of RE is already present in the patient (in this case, use, e.g., Drop Forest Spring – 060); do not use during the summer either, in hot weather, in fever with thirst, with nosebleeds, or with sore throat (in this case, e.g., Cold of Morning Mist – 002 or Beverage of Silver Wind – 844 should be used). Not to be used in case of SHI/RE internal damp and heat, nor should this mixture be used by people who drink a lot of alcohol (they have internal heat of RE). When using the mixture, avoid consumption of meat and fatty products, milk and dairy products, raw fruits and raw vegetables, and alcohol.

Packaging: 100 tablets / 30 g (100% natural, natural cellulose max. 1% is the only binding agent; made from concentrated herbs at a ratio of 5:1, i.e. 5 g of dried herbs are used per gram of herbal tablets)

Dosage: 3 times daily 4 tablets, children over 3 years of age 3 times daily 2 tablets

More information about dosage and using herbal tablets.

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