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Beverage of Living Water (code 800)
Affects according to traditional Chinese medicine:
- Strongly reinforces the deficient kidney essence SHEN JING XU
- Reinforces the spleen Yang deficiency PI YANG XU
- Reinforces the deficient YIN XU
- Reinforces the deficient Qi energy QI XU and nourishes deficient blood XUE XU
- Nourishes the Qi of the heart XIN QI XU and calms the spirit in the heart XIN SHEN
- Signs of premature ageing
- Impaired memory and concentration
- Decreased vision and hearing
- Decreased libido (both men and women)
- Infertility (male and female)
- Impotence
- Weaker erections
- Premature or weak ejaculation
- Spontaneous seminal discharge
- Prostatitis
- Chronic white vaginal discharge
- Stopped periods
- Periodontitis and loosening of the teeth from the gums
- Pain and heaviness in the hips and knees
- Soft swelling in the lower part of the body
- Difficult urination with urine like rice water
- Cold intolerance
- Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus)
- Decreased thyroid function (Hypothyroidism)
- Inappetence, emaciation
- Night sweats
- Sleep disturbed by dreams
- Prevention of senile dementia and memory loss (Alzheimer’s disease)
Description according to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Maintaining good health and living for as long as possible (especially “in good health”) has been one of the greatest challenges of all generations since time immemorial, especially in ancient China. The Chinese emperors and their sages paid special attention to this magical or mysterious domain of “immortality” and attached great importance to this. After all, which one of us would not like to live to a ripe old age, and in the full quality of body and spirit? Besides, prevention is also the focus and function of TCM. It is reported that up to 90% of all advice and recommendations (diet, herbs, and exercise…) fall into this category. It is also logical, because sometimes that ship has sailed – as a Chinese proverb says: “It is foolish to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted”. And so, time is rushing and “as the years go by and graves are spreading, I count the wrinkles hidden in the skin…” as Karel Kryl sang, sooner or later each of us is losing strength and the proverbial candle that we have been endowed with is slowly but surely burning out. This is also logical, because no tree can grow to heaven and the laws of nature are unambiguous and sometimes mercilessly unchanging – everything in nature (and in life in general) has its time: there is a time of birth, a time of growth, a time of harvest and there is also a time of leaving and dying. The ancient Chinese method YANG SHENG FA is focused on maintaining the longest possible quality of life in physical and mental health. In this case, the word YANG means raising, caring, and nourishing, SHENG in turn, is being translated as life, birth, and vitality – or together it means raising or nurturing life, promoting health and well-being, by taking care of the body, mind, and spirit in accordance with the natural rhythms and universal laws of nature. The main motive is, therefore, protection and maintenance of health and cultivation of life. The crucial methods and principles of TCM in practising YANG SHEN FA are the following 4 procedures, the result of which is a healthy person:
1. Bellows blowing – healthy diet = Physical health |
2. Squeezing the bag – healthy lifestyle (regularity, moderation, variety) = Physical health |
3. Placement of the fingers on the pipe chanter – healthy exercise = Physical health |
4. Singing – healthy emotions = Mental health
Physical and Mental health means together healthy spirit SHEN! |
As can be seen from the illustrative example of a bagpiper, for a successful result (both for the listener and the performer) everything must always be in perfect harmony: constant and even blowing the bellows (healthy diet or herbs), adequate squeezing the bag (healthy lifestyle – sufficient sleep, alternation of physical and mental work, moderation in all areas…), correct placement of the fingers on the chanter (adequate physical exercise), balanced vocal delivery (healthy emotions). All of this eventually results in the overall picture, where healthy mind lives in a healthy body – and such a person has their indomitable charisma and esprit.
Analysis of herbs in the mixture: The order of the 17 herbs contained in this beverage is based on strengthening and balancing the Yin and Yang essence of the kidney SHEN JING, reinforcing the Qi and blood energy QI/XUE XU, strengthening the spleen PI and nourishing the spirit in the heart XIN SHEN: Du Zhong, Tu Si Zi, and Ba Ji Tian strengthen the Yang essence of the kidney SHEN JING YIN, Chu Shi Zi, He Shou Wu, and Shan Yao reinforce the Yin essence of the kidney SHEN JING YIN, Huang Qi and Da Zao, strengthen the energy QI, Gou Qi Zi, Shu Di Huang, and Dang Gui strengthen the blood XUE, Wu Wei Zi and Shan Zhu Yu retain essence JING, Xiao Hui Xing warms the inside of NEI, Niu Xidissolves the blood blockage YU XUE, Fu Ling dries the dampness SHI, Yuan Zhi nourishes the heart XIN and soothes the spirit of SHEN.
Packaging: 100g of herbal powdered product (100% natural, without any synthetic or binding agents).
Dosage and preparation: The recommended daily dose of the beverage is 1-2 grams, i.e. 1-2 measuring cups once a day. Children under 12 years use a half dose. The powder is poured and mixed with approx. 200ml of hot water. It is best to drink the beverage as the first drink of the day (can be used instead of breakfast), when these 1-2 measuring cups can be added into the Beverage of Chinese Sages (900), to stir and drink up together. This beverage is then tasty, delicious, and invigorating. It can be used for non-limited period.
Do not use (according to TCM) in case of acute infectious diseases with fever (such as bacterial tonsillitis or bacterial pneumonia, etc.) and in pregnancy.
Notice: Since it is a 100% natural product from natural harvest (no genetically cloned or modified cereals, chemically treated, indifferently identical in terms of taste and colour…), it is necessary to bear in mind that each batch may have a slightly different colour and taste but it is not a problem and has no effect on the declared effects of the drink! The specific weight of this drink (1 kg of feathers it not 1 kg of iron by volume) fluctuates. The box sometimes seems to be half full (approx. 80 scoops), at another time entirely full (110 spoons), but it always contains exactly 100 g!
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