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Prodajalec: TCM Herbs

016 Overcoming of Fire Covern (DAO CHI WAN), 100 tbl

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016 Overcoming of Fire Covern (DAO CHI WAN), 100 tbl
016 Overcoming of Fire Covern (DAO CHI WAN), 100 tbl


  • Opis
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Overcoming of Fire Covern (code 016)

Affects based on the TCM:

  • Cools heat of XIN RE/HUO heart fire
  • Cools heat in blood RE XUE
  • Drains water SHUI and disperses urine


  • Non-contagious mouth ulcers (Stomatitis aphtosa)
  • Gingivitis – gum inflammation or periodontitis (Paradentosis)
  • Toothache (Dolor dentis)
  • Urinary tract infections (Cystitis et uretritis)
  • Kidney and bladder stones (Nefrolithiasa et urolitiasa)
  • Blood in the urine (Hematuria)
  • Nightmares, especially in children (Pavor nocturnus)

Description according to traditional Chinese medicine: This is a modification of the original traditional Chinese herbal mixture DAO CHI WAN, adjusted to meet today’s needs. This herbal mixture eliminates excessive heat, usually generated from emotions, from the heart pathway XIN RE/HUO. The heart is connected to the small intestine and urinary bladder pathways and, similarly to communicating vessels, this heat also appears on those pathways. That is why the symptoms and problems in case of heat and fire conflagration in the heart XIN RE/HUO are varied – if the heart pathway which controls the soul SHEN is impaired, the following symptoms appear: irritability, restlessness, feeling hot and tight on the chest, red and flushed face, thirst for cold drinks, insomnia, nightmares in children or too “active and restless” children. The heart pathway has inner links to the oral cavity (because the tongue and the mouth are “offshoots of the heart”), so it may result in the occurrence of aphtha or inflammatory ulcers, gingivitis, periodontosis, toothache or bitterness in the mouth in the morning. If heat RE moves from the heart pathway to the small intestine and then to the urinary bladder, with both pathways responsible for secreting urine from the organism, this harmful heat “dries urine and burns small blood vessels”, resulting in difficulty urinating, including painful, stinging urination, short urination of dark urine and blood in urine. What is typical for these recurring problems with urination (chronic “inflammation” of the urinary tract) is that they are not actual inflammations, they only behave like that – they are abacterial, i.e. without a pathological finding of bacteria and signs of inflammation in urine and in the blood!

Packaging: 100 tablets / 30 g (100% natural, natural cellulose max. 1% is the only binding agent; made from concentrated herbs at a ratio of 5:1, i.e. 5 g of dried herbs are used per gram of herbal tablets)

Dosage: 3 times daily 4 tablets, children over 3 years of age 3 times daily 2 tablets

More information about dosage and using herbal tablets.

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