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Prodajalec: Everest Ayurveda

Pitta Tea - Calm and serenity, 100g

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Pitta Tea - Calm and serenity, 100g
Pitta Tea - Calm and serenity, 100g


  • Opis
  • Dostava in vračilo
  • arvensis normalizes the sensation of body heat
  • Foeniculumvulgare benefits digestive andthe excretory system
  • Coriandrumsativumbeneficially affects gastric andintestinal activity
  • Tinosporacordifolia optimizes liver function andimmune system
  • Santalumalbumcontributes to blood purification
  • Beneficial for good looks andskin quality
  • Promotes emotional balance andharmonizes the nervous system
  • Asparagusracemosus calms anger, irritability, andstress
  • Centellaasiatica helps maintain good mental health

Pitta supports digestion and metabolism, liver function and blood quality, affects body temperature, skin appearance and brain function. Brings a sense of calm and balance. A centuries-old traditional blend of Himalayan herbs, when taken regularly, has a beneficial effect on the general health and mental condition of people with a predominance of the following characteristics:

  • You are of medium build
  • You like hot summers and harsh sun
  • Sweat easily and quickly
  • You may have oily, ruddy to freckled skin
  • You are rational, pragmatic and competitive
  • You have a sharp mind, incisive thinking and a strong will
  • You are a leader type, like to debate and attract attention
  • Under the pressure of stress you tend to be volatile, irritable and impatient
  • You are good speakers and organizers with a sense of responsibility
  • You can get angry easily and be unpleasant critics

should use oils andcreams to protect the skin, avoid harsh sunlight andhigh temperatures andlimit excessive work or studying to late night or early morning hours. It is recommended to reduce consumption of oily, heavy, salty andspicy foods, don't overeat, andeat smaller portions multiple times a day. Suitable sports include running, swimming, skiing, climbing, hiking andcompetitive sports. Restoring balance helps: getting enough sleep andrelaxation, regular activity rotation andrest, cooler diet andbeverages andadequate fluid intake.

menthaarvensis, foeniculumvulgare, coriandrumsativum, tinosporacordifolia, santalumalbum, asparagus racemosus, centellaasiatica, emblicaofficinalis, pterocarpusmarsupium, cuminumcyminum, glycyrrhizaglabra, cymbopogoncitratus

100 g loose tea

Recommended Dosage
2-3 cups per day

Simmer one teaspoon of the herbal blend (approx. 2 g) for 3-5 minutes or pour over 250 ml of boiling water and allow to infuse for 10 minutes

Himalayan herbs are traditionally left to simmer for at least 3-5 minutes when used as a means of optimizing the body's mental and physical functions. A decoction prepared in this way has a stronger action, a milder taste and a beneficial effect on our digestion, which is important for the proper absorption of the beneficial extracts of Himalayan herbs. We drink the teas as part of our daily drinking regime for the duration of the recovery of the desired functions of the body. In case of herbal cleansing treatment, take the tea for 1-3 months in accordance with the daily dosage mentioned on the packet. Allow a week's break after consuming each packet.

We recommend taking a maximum of two teas at the same time. Multiple teas can be alternated in a daily or weekly regimen as long as they are used to normalize normal manifestations when physical or mental health is out of balance. Always drink the teas separately, one hour apart. If they are used only as a supportive or stimulant, the herbs can be left to infuse without a limited time of use. For optimal effect of the herbal decoction, drink the teas warm and before meals. The specific taste of each tea is part of the therapeutic action and corresponds to the Ayurvedic properties of the six tastes. Therefore, we recommend not adding any sweeteners.

Dietary supplement with herbs. Keep out of reach of children. Keep out of reach of children and keep in a dry place up to 25°C. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Do not use as a substitute for a varied diet. Not for use by children, pregnant or nursing women.
Country of origin: Nepal

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