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- Opis
- Dostava in vračilo
Optimizes the animal's metabolism. Activates enzymes and detoxifies the organism. Supports appetite.
Product description
Natural herbal concentrate acting on the organs and tissues of the Wood element in the Pentagram® scheme. Works through subtle influence on the liver, gallbladder and connective tissue. It thus harmonizes the activity of these organs and their tissues. Overall, it optimizes the animal's metabolism. It stimulates the heart, the vascular system and the small intestine (Fire element). Dampens the hyperactivity of the kidneys, lymphatic system, bone tissue, urinary tract and genital organs (Water element).
Uses of the product
- Introductory preparation in animal regeneration.
- Modification of energy and protein metabolism (Probiovet, Phytovet).
- Appetite support (Probiovet).
- Digestive disorders (necessary caution in case of liver and gallbladder disorders) (Probiovet, Fytovet, Cytovet).
- Vomiting (Fytovet).
- Insufficient production or activity of digestive enzymes (dyspepsia, EPI) (Fytovet).
- Weight adjustment (Omegavet).
- Promotion of hormone production and activation (Fytovet).
- Metabolic rejuvenation, elimination of fatigue (Fytovet, Cytovet).
- Painful coat syndrome (Fytovet).
- Itching (Probiovet, Cytovet).
- Allergic diseases (alternation with Renovet).
- Detoxification, toxic load of the organism (vaccination, deworming, poor quality food - additives) (Cytovet, Probiovet).
- Organophosphate poisoning, organic poisons (Cytovet).
- Heart insufficiency (degeneration of valves, enlarged heart, cough, weakness) (Phytovet, Omegavet).
- Chronic renal failure associated with increased drinking and urination (Probiovet, Omegavet).
- Inflammation of the urinary tract, prostate (Imunovet).
- Acute inflammatory conditions in general (excluding liver and gallbladder) (Imunovet).
- Osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain (alternating with Renovet, Kingvet) (Skelevet, Cytovet).
- Diseases of the connective apparatus (Skelevet).
- Eye diseases (conjunctivitis, cataracts).
- Solid formations (lipomas, benign tumours, masses, tumours) (Cytovet, Imunovet).
- Relief of timidity, anxiety and fear (Etovet).
- Prevention of aggression (Etovet).
Veterinary advice
Regavet is excellent for digestive problems and metabolic disorders. It is very effective in renal failure, especially in beasts. It also has an irreplaceable place in the therapy of allergic diseases (I alternate after 4 weeks with Renovet). MVDr. Petr Hrabák
30 ml
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