The causative agent of Lyme disease is the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. The reservoir of infection is wild rodents, forest animals, birds and ticks. The disease can be transmitted to dogs, horses and cattle, in which it manifests itself as a systemic disease.
Route of transmission
Borreliosis is typically an animal-to-human disease. In our conditions, the vector is the tick (Ixodes ricinus), which also transmits tick-borne encephalitis. Transmission by stinging insects and ants is also likely.
In the course of the tick's sucking on a person, Borrelia is passed from the tick's intestines into the salivary glands and then into the person's blood. The risk of infection depends on the time of attachment. Usually: the longer the time, the higher the risk. The prevalence of ticks infected with Lyme disease in the Czech Republic varies from 5 to 30 % in different areas.
It is based on epidemiological history, clinical and laboratory examination.
Antibodies to Lyme are determined in the blood. These are produced 3-6 weeks after the tick attaches. Earlier collections are of no diagnostic value as they tend to be negative.
Manifestations and stages of Lyme disease
- onset 3 days to 30 days after the tick attachment
- the most common clinical form of the disease, characterised by a skin manifestation - erythema migrans
- it is a painless spot at the site of the tick attachment
- it gradually enlarges and turns red, often with central discolouration
- the diameter of the spot is usually over 5 cm, often reaching considerable dimensions
- disappears without treatment within a few weeks, fever, signs of cold or general fatigue may be present
- appears in a few weeks to months
- most often involves inflammatory diseases of the nervous system (meningitis, neuritis, cranial nerve palsy, etc.)
- heart muscle involvement, most often in the form of heart rhythm disturbances
- joint involvement in the form of migratory joint pain
- eye affections such as inflammation of the conjunctiva, cornea and retina
- manifests itself in 6-15 months
- manifested by involvement of the skin, joints and nervous system already in the form of chronic changes in these organs
- psychological problems and chronic fatigue are associated
It is performed on the basis of epidemiological anamnesis, clinical and laboratory examination.
Antibodies against Borrelia are determined in the blood. These are formed only 3-6 weeks after the tick is attached. Earlier samples do not have a diagnostic benefit because they tend to be negative.
Wearing appropriate clothing with long pants and sleeves; light colors are better, ticks are easier to spot.
Smooth materials such as windbreakers and rustlers are recommended, which make it harder for the tick to penetrate; knitted fabrics are not suitable.
Use repellents, repeat spraying often.
A thorough examination of the whole body after returning home.
Timely removal of the tick is important, as the transmission of the infection occurs only after 36 hours of sucking the tick.
Do not touch the tick with your bare hands, do not squeeze!
Tick removal
Always use tweezers to remove! Disposable surgical gloves are also suitable. The first step will be the application disinfectant for ticks, preferably based on iodine, which is most effective for ticks, or Drags Imunu. Leave to act after for one hour. The use of ointments, oils and petroleum jelly is not suitable. Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible with tweezers and remove with a smooth motion pull up. No more clockwise screwing etc.! After removing the tick, disinfect the injection site again.
For the final treatment, it is also possible to use iodine-based ointments and cover the wound with a plaster. If the head of the tick breaks off, disinfect the site again and use a sterile larger diameter (pink) pharmacy injection needle to remove. Remember: the earlier the tick removed, the less chance of infection. For the next few days, we continue the local application of Drags Imunu several times a day.
Classical treatment of borreliosis
There is no vaccine available against this disease, only tick-borne encephalitis is vaccinated. Antibiotics are the basis of treatment.
Tetracycline antibiotics are recommended as the drug of first choice. In case of allergy to this group of drugs, in children under 8 years of age, or pregnant and lactating women use broad-spectrum penicillins (amoxicillin) instead of tetracyclines. The duration of treatment should be 14-21 days. Preventive administration of an antibiotic at each tick bite is not recommended, with the exception of pregnant women.
Lyme disease and Energy products
Energy preparations represent a gentle alternative to classical medicine and reduce the risks of sometimes even serious side effects of medicines.
They use the principles of bioinformation and bioresonance, and therefore show much better effectiveness than simple supplements.
First choice products:
- DRAGS IMUN – put on after biting a tick, dose for an adult 3 times a day, 10 drops after a meal. Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulating effects.
- REGALEN – support of liver functions, detoxification and removal of toxic substances related to infection. Dose 5-7 drops 3 times a day.
- PROBIOSAN INOVUM – basic symbiotic when using antibiotic treatment. Tetracycline antibiotics are taken twice a day after 12 hours. During this treatment take Probiosan 2 capsules after lunch. Do not use simultaneously with a dose of antibiotics. After termination antibiotic treatments, take the entire package of Probiosan in a dose 3 times a day, 1 capsule after a meal.
Energy products for stage 2 and 3:
In the second and third stages of the disease, in addition to the products of first choice, it is advisable to administer according to subjective difficulties and on the basis
tested by Supertronic:
- KOROLEN – neurological and psychological symptoms. Paralysis, paresis, spasms of limbs, headache, dizziness. Concentration disorders and moods, irritability, depressive mood. Dose 5 drops 3 times a day.
- RENOL – joint and spine pain, joint swelling, joint stiffness. Headaches, atypical muscle pains. Enlarged lymphatic nodules, elevated temperatures. Dose 3-5 drops 3 times a day.
- STIMARAL – fatigue, fatigue syndrome, states of exhaustion. Hearing and sight impairments. Dose 7 drops 3 times a day.
- PENTAGRAM® CREAMS – depending on the symptoms, PROTEKTIN can be applied to the skin for burning pains, and also to the liver area and stomach, RUTICELIT is suitable to be applied to the heart region, to the spine, and to the whole body in case of muscle pain. In fatigue syndrome ARTRIN for the whole body and kidneys, for pain in the joints.
The Lyme borreliosis brochure was prepared by MUDr. Jiří Hanzel