Statistical information
Obese people moan 13 times more often, die 6-7 years earlier. Czech children are in the "top" ten in the world, the number of diabetics is increasing. The Czech nation holds the first place in the incidence of colorectal cancer in men, a malignant tumour of the colon and rectum, where one of the most influential factors in the development of this disease is an unhealthy diet, overweight and obesity.
Causes of the disease
- Genetic disposition - at least 50%. If both parents are obese, the likelihood of the same problem occurring in their in the same offspring is 80%.
- Chronic disease - very low contribution to obesity - about 1% (mainly reduced thyroid function, called hypothyroidism, or elevated levels of adrenal cortical hormones.
- Medications - some may increase appetite and contribute to the development of excess weight. These include some antidepressants, drugs for sedatives and drugs used for hormone treatment.
- Metabolic influences - the body's energy requirements are determined by gender, body weight and level of physical activity, but can also be influenced by individual factors, mostly genetically encoded, that affect energy balance (these include individual experience with diets and levels of basal metabolism). Thus, obesity can occur even in a person who really does not consume more than other people but is likely to be less physically active.
- Psychogenic factors - e.g. depression, frustration, loneliness.
- Insufficient energy expenditure - lack of physical activity / sedentary lifestyle.
- Excessive energy intake - food intolerance / overeating.
- Irregular eating - lack of regular small portions (5-6 per day).
- Lack of meal planning - neglecting to prepare meals, takeaway snacks.
- Lack of time for meal intake - eating food in a hurry.
- Stress, lack of sleep - with high stress load (especially chronic) the body burns muscle instead of fat.
- Starvation / inadequate energy intake - a "metabolic trap" resulting in slower metabolism and higher storage fat loss, the "yo-yo effect".
- Excess intake of simple carbohydrates - high consumption of sugary baked goods, confectionery and other snacks.
- High alcohol intake - alcohol is preferentially metabolized in the liver, inhibiting both fat burning and post-exercise recovery; it represents a significant source of energy.
- High intake of animal fats (rich in saturated fatty acids) in the form of sausages, fatty meats, full-fat products, lard, butter, etc. - fats contain twice as much energy as carbohydrates and protein.
- Insufficient consumption of marine fish - they are high in healthy unsaturated fatty acids.
- Eating foods with a high glycaemic index (GI) - this indicates the ability of a carbohydrate food to raise blood sugar levels (glycaemia). This is based on the glycaemic index value of glucose, which is equal to 100. The more the glucose rises after a meal, the the more insulin, the pancreatic hormone, has to be released. As the insulin level rises, the tendency to store fat in the body also rises.
- Excess salt - its effect is to increase the GI of foods.
- Consumption of oversweetened beverages - increased intake of fruit juices, juices, Coca-Cola.
- Insufficient intake of vegetables, fruits, fiber - fiber induces a faster and deeper feeling of satiety, slows absorption of simple sugars and fats, helping to lower cholesterol. It has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis, acts as a preventive colorectal cancer.
The world's leading nutritionists are sounding the alarm as the global obesity pandemic is literally spreading and millions of people have with critical levels of cholesterol in their bodies. Unfortunately, this includes adolescents and children - not excluding the Czech Republic. Czechs are among among the fattest in Europe - one in two is overweight, one in five is obese - according to modern surveys they are overweight 72% of men and 68% of women, 21% of men and 31% of women are obese.
Diagnosis of overweight
BMI index
The BMI (body mass index) is an auxiliary diagnostic indicator that provides a measure of obesity and is easily calculated using the formula: weight (kg)/[height (m)]2. The following thresholds are commonly used: 25-30 overweight, up to 35 mild obesity, up to 40 moderate obesity and 40 and above morbid obesity.
WHR value
From a metabolic and health perspective, the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is more important. For women, the optimal value is up to 0.7,
for men up to 0.9.
Disease prevention
Prevention of overweight and obesity is based on balanced energy intake and expenditure, sufficient physical activity and sleep, overall lifestyle modification
lifestyle with regular meals at more frequent intervals but small portions, balanced and varied diet, elimination of stress.
Classical treatment of obesity
In severe or intractable obesity, medications can be administered under medical supervision to induce a feeling of satiety in the central
nervous system, increase energy expenditure or reduce the availability of fats in the body by their action in the digestive tract. In extreme cases
In the extreme case, surgical treatment (gastric reduction or banding, etc.) may be used. After surgery, however, a moderate regimen and active
physical activity.
Obesity and Energy preparations
Energy products represent an important alternative in the possibilities of influencing obesity and thus preventing complications of advanced
disease. These modern bioinformatics products offer a holistic, natural and gentle approach.
Main Energy products
CYTOSAN, CYTOSAN INOVUM - a combination of humic substances and humic substances with green clay is designed for total deep cleansing of the organism. It has a significant detoxifying effect (e.g. from moulds, yeasts) and a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the whole gastrointestinal system. Detoxification is suitable in spring and autumn. Dosage: 2-3 times a day 1 capsule (drink plenty of fluids).
GYNEX - is proven especially in weight reduction in women. It acts at the central level and regulates effectively the activity of the hormonal system. In conjunction with adherence to the recommended dosage, regular physical activity and positive dietary modification it is possible to guarantee very good results. Individual dosage: 3-7 drops 3 times a day 30 min. before meals, after 3 weeks weekly
KING KONG - works well for both men and women. In combination with regular physical activity and adjustment of energy intake, it is effective burns fat and promotes muscle growth, thus improving the quality of body composition. Thanks to its detoxifying and regenerating effects it helps to consolidate fitness. Dosage: 1-3 times a day 2-7 drops, after 3 weeks of use a week break.
REGALEN - regulates digestive processes, proper absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, fat metabolism and prevents their deposition in the subcutaneous layer. Thanks to the high content of magnesium, it significantly supports digestion and helps the body to get rid of waste substances.
Dosage: 1-3 times a day 2-7 drops, after 3 weeks a week break.
Complementary products
CELITIN - thanks to the presence of lecithin, it effectively supports fat metabolism, helps eliminate fatigue and improves cholesterol levels blood cholesterol, which can be elevated in most overweight people. Dosage: usually 1 capsule once a day. After 3 weeks of weekly use break.
PROBIOSAN and PROBIOSAN INOVUM - a complex of probiotic strains enriched with inulin (a polysaccharide that behaves in in the intestine as soluble fibre) and green algae chlorella or oyster mushroom extract and colostrum. Promotes colonic colonization with beneficial probiotic cultures, suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Dosage: 1-3 times a day 1 capsule, increased intake, after 3 weeks of use, a week break.
Phytomineral - this cocktail of up to 98% absorbable minerals increases the availability of vitamins and other substances needed for
nutrition. Dosage: 30 drops in water once a day.
Brochure Overweight, obesity prepared by Petra Hamerská, nutrition consultant