Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer


Statistical information
Since 1989, the Czech Republic has been ranked first in the incidence of colorectal cancer (colorectal cancer) not only in European but also in global statistics. The disease is most common in the over-45 age group, and rectal cancer in particular is more common in men than in women.
In our population, colorectal cancer is the most common cancer of the digestive tract and the second most common organ site after lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
The number of new patients in the Czech Republic increases to 8 000 per year.

Causes of the disease


  • Genetic predisposition - Czechs have a hereditary tendency to colorectal cancer. This hypothesis is supported not only by statistical data on the number of cases, but also by research by American scientists who have studied the increased incidence of this disease in the states of Nebraska and Arkansas. They found that these are the descendants of Czech immigrants.
  • The incidence of other high-risk diseases of the colon, known as precancerous adenomas - malignant tumours occurring in the colon
  • intestinal polyps and diverticula - mucosal growths with the possibility of tumour relapse
  • ulcerative colitis - non-infectious inflammation of the colonic mucosa; in this disease, malignant reversal is related to the duration of the disease and the extent of bowel involvement
  • Family burden - the presence of colorectal disease in first-degree relatives (parents and siblings) increases the risk of the disease two- to threefold. Medically, the term "familial form" of colorectal cancer is used.


  • Diet - a high-fat diet with a low proportion of fruit, vegetables and fibre, excessive intake of red meat, consumption of sausages, baking, frying and grilling are all significant risk factors for this disease.
  • Obesity - doubles the risk of bowel cancer in men, while obese women have a 40% higher risk.
  • Smoking - like many other cancers, colorectal cancer is more commonly associated with nicotine use. Active smokers have double the risk of the disease, which increases further with smoking time.
  • Alcohol - the association with increased alcohol intake and colorectal cancer risk was first described in beer drinkers. Alcohol hinders the DNA regeneration process of colon cells (colonocytes) and causes folic acid deficiency in the body.


Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease can be quite subtle at first. It may be indigestion, a feeling of fullness after eating, abdominal pain, or alternating diarrhoea and constipation.
Severe symptoms include tenesmus - violent and painful urges to pass stools and the presence of mucus or blood in the stool. The presence of dark colored blood (melena) is usually associated with gastric ulcers or gastric tumors. Fresh, red blood content may accompany bleeding from haemorrhoids, anal fissures or allergic damage to the intestinal mucosa, most commonly from egg, milk or flour proteins. It is of course also a clear warning sign for the possible presence of a bowel tumour!

Disease prevention

Prevention of this extremely serious disease is the way of active approach of each individual to his/her health, the way of controllable risk factors. Proper nutrition with a reduction in red meat and sausages, increased intake of fresh fruit, vegetables and fibre. Adequate drinking and supplementation with vitamins, minerals and probiotics.
It is extremely important not to smoke and to limit alcohol intake, especially beer, in the Czech Republic.
From the point of view of the patient-doctor relationship, do not underestimate the initial symptoms, especially if there is blood in the stool. It is extremely important to attend preventive check-ups with your general practitioner at two-year intervals.
The preventive check-up includes a stool examination for 'occult bleeding', which is organised by your GP. This is a simple test which the patient does not pay for. It is carried out annually for the 50-55 age group, and then every two years thereafter.

Investigation methods and treatment of the disease

If you test positive for occult bleeding, it does not mean you have bowel cancer. As already mentioned, the blood can come from hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
The patient is sent for an optical examination of the colon - coloscopy. Next, the blood is examined for the presence of tumor markets, an ultrasound of the abdomen and a CT scan are performed.
In case of a positive tumor finding, the surgical procedure is followed by removal of the affected part of the colon and the adjacent lymph nodes. The patient is then referred for further oncological treatment in the form of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


Main Energy products

CYTOSAN, CYTOSAN INOVUM - thanks to the unique properties of humic substances, it has a detoxifying and protective effect on the colon mucosa against toxic and carcinogenic substances in the colon. Dosage 2-3 times a day 1 capsule, sufficiently washed down. The detoxification treatment should be repeated in the spring and autumn months.

VIRONAL - herbal complex in the form of drops designed to regenerate the colon, lungs and spleen. Generally strengthens the immune system. Dosage 3 times a day 7 drops before meals.

PROBIOSAN - a complex of two probiotic strains enriched with green algae chlorella and inulin supports colonization of the colon with beneficial bifidogenic bacteria. It inhibits the multiplication of pathological bacteria and fungi. Research has shown a significant reduction in DNA damage to colon cells, called colonocytes. Dosage 3 times a day capsules after meals.

Supplementary Energy products

CHLORELLA - green microscopic algae containing the green dye chlorophyll. It has a strong detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect on the colon mucosa. It strengthens the immune system by stimulating white blood cells - macrophages and lymphocytes. Reduces the acidity of intestinal contents.
Dosage 2 times a day 3 tablets after meals.

VITAMARIN - contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have a preventive effect on the development of colon, breast and prostate cancer. The anti-inflammatory effects are pivotal, with chronic inflammation being considered the first risk of malignant reversal. Dosage 3 times a day 2 capsules after meals.

IMUNOSAN - a complex of natural substances and beta-glucans to strengthen the immune system. The anti-cancer action of betaglucans is due to the stimulation of a number of white blood cells, the so-called natural killers, which seek out and destroy cancer cells. They eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Dosage 3 times a day 1 capsule after meals.

VITAFLORIN - source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, E. It contains a daily dose of folic acid, the deficiency of which is one of the risk factors promoting the development of colon cancer, especially in beer drinkers. For long-term dosage 1x daily 1 capsule.

Supplements should be alternated and can be combined with each other.

The stated dosage of the preparations is indicative and must be adjusted according to the state of the disease, age and reactivity of the patient.

Brochure Tumours of the colon and rectum prepared by MUDr. Jiří Hanzel

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