


Infertility can be defined as the inability of a male-female couple with regular sexual intercourse to achieve conception within a period of up to two years, and the subsequent inability of the woman to carry the fetus to a successful end of pregnancy, culminating in the birth of a child. In Czech terminology, we distinguish sterility as the inability to conceive and infertility as the inability to carry a fetus to viability.

Infertility affects 10-20% of couples. In the economically developed countries of Euro-American civilisation, this percentage is highly likely to rise. The main cause is a change in lifestyle priorities, with the postponement of efforts to conceive until later in a woman's life and the mass long-term use of hormonal contraceptives from adolescence onwards. As a consequence of these phenomena, but also of ever-increasing environmental stress and the increase in chronic stress, the biological quality of human sex cells is declining. The fertility of women, unlike that of men, is highly age-dependent and declines significantly after the age of 30 and dramatically after the age of 35. It is known from research by embryologists that the egg cell is of the highest quality around the age of 24.

Causes of infertility
The female factor contributes to about 35% of infertility, the male factor is equally represented, disorders in both partners are in 20 % and 10 % of cases remain unexplained. These figures are given in most of the papers. However, it is very likely that there are several times more unknown causes of infertility, as it is usually the case that spontaneous pregnancy often occurs after a change of partner, even though according to the established diagnosis this should not be the case.

Causes on the part of the man

  • low biological quality of sperm (due to the environment the quality of sperm is constantly decreasing -as the normal number of sperm per 1 ml was 50 million 25 years ago, today only 15 million )
  • genetic disorders and disorders of testicular development (testicular descent disorders)
  • inflammations of the testicles, ureters, prostate, varicocele (varicose veins in the scrotum)
  • disorders of potency and ejaculation

Causes from the woman's side

  • low egg cell quality and genetic disorders
  • hormonal disorders causing anovulatory cycles and disorders of follicle development not only sex steroids but also hormones of other endocrine glands: pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands)
  • disturbances in the patency of the pathways for sex cells and the fertilized egg (anatomical anomalies, adhesions after inflammation, immunological mechanisms)
  • endometriosis and immune disorders (antibodies against sperm, autoaggression against own tissues - ovaries)
  • psychogenic sterility


  • spermiogram
  • ovulation detection (hormones - determination of LH and progesterone, ultrasound measurement of follicle development)
  • determination of the patency of the fallopian tubes and the anatomical condition of the pelvic organs (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy)
  • immunological and genetic examination

It is always necessary to start with the man, as this is the easiest, least burdensome, quickest and cheapest examination and often excludes further unnecessary examinations.


Classical treatment

Induction (induction of ovulation - in conditions of chronic anovulation, polycystic ovary syndrome. Treatment is hormonal. Intrauterine insemination (transfer of pre-conditioned sperm into the uterine cavity on a woman's fertile days).
Extracorporeal insemination (IVF - ET method) - after artificial hormonal stimulation of multiple ovulation, eggs are collected by puncture, fertilized extracorporeally with sperm (sperm can be injected into the egg - ICSI, PICSI method) and the fertilized egg is transferred into the uterine cavity. Unused embryos can be frozen and used in the next experiment (KET method).
Immunological treatment to suppress the production of antibodies (small doses of corticosteroids). Surgical treatment of endometriosis and adhesions in the small pelvis, treatment of uterine anomalies.


Infertility and Energy preparations

Reproductive biology is very complex with many interdependent and interrelated processes both biochemical and immunological. Therefore, the holistic approach and the principle of action of Energy products has a great potential for therapeutic success in cases of so-called idioatic (unexplained) infertility and also in cases of anovulation and hormonal imbalances. However, success cannot be expected in cases of patency disorders and severe disorders of sex cell formation. Energy products can also be used to ''prepare'' the woman's body for ectopic fertilization and thus increase the chances of success of this method.


Main products

GYNEX - has a harmonizing effect on the hormonal system and stress. It eliminates irregular menstrual cycles, increases the likelihood of ovulation, is very effective in the resorption of ovarian cysts and has a preventive effect against their formation. It soothes the psychological upset, irritation and emotional stress that accompany many women with prolonged sterility or infertility. It speeds up the regeneration of the genital system after instrumental interventions, which entail the diagnosis and treatment of sterility and infertility. Dosage: 3 times a day 5-7 drops.

RENOL - harmonizes the urogenital system. It favourably affects the activity of the kidneys and their mineral economy, significantly increases their detoxification activity and promotes good condition of the pelvic organs. It effectively helps women with chronic urogenital inflammations (uterus, vagina, bladder) and with recovery after spontaneous abortions. This also prevents the risk of their recurrence. Dosage: 3-5 drops 3 times a day.

FYTOMINERAL -  minerals in colloidal form with the highest possible bioavailability (absorption and transport into the cell). Many elements play a key role in cellular metabolism and also as components of coenzymes, without which enzymatic systems could not function. The hormonal system is highly dependent on this enzymatic activity (interconversion of hormones), and therefore this product also helps regular ovulatory cycles. It supports the harmonising action of both Gynex and Renol and should be given alongside them.
Dosage: 30 drops per day.

Complementary products

KING KONG - product for men. It helps to harmonize hormonal activity in a man in the same way as Gynex does in a woman. With prolonged administration, it has a positive effect on sperm development. It has a natural anabolic action, improves male fitness, has a beneficial effect on potency. Dosage: 7 drops 3 times a day.

VITAFLORIN - polyvitamin antioxidant preparation from natural sources. Helps the optimal development of sex cells in both men and women, improves the overall condition of the body. It is a suitable complement to the faster action of regenerative preparations. Dosage.

VITAMARIN - a preparation containing fish oil with a particularly advantageous ratio of unsaturated fatty acids. The beneficial effect of these substances on the vascular and nervous system, fat metabolism and the thyroid gland is known. It is particularly suitable for women with clinical and subclinical Gen lab signs of thyroid disorders, which may have a negative effect on fertility, and for overweight or obese women.
Dosage: 1 capsule 3 times a day.

ORGANIC CHLORELLA - a product containing the alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa, which has significant detoxifying effects, prevents acidification of the body and is a source of many valuable vitamins, folic acid and minerals. It contains high amounts of nucleic acids with a reparative function. A complex of substances called "Chlorella Growth Factor" (CGF), which supports natural cell division and immunity, is the carrier of the algae's exceptional properties. Dosage: 2 tablets 3 times a day.

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS FORTE AND TEA - increases the level of sex hormones in both men and women and thus the growth of libido. Increases the quality and number of sperm. In addition, it adjusts the muscle/fat ratio and calms the psyche.


Prospekt Neplodnost zpracoval MUDr. Bohdan Haltmar

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