Chronic gynecological inflammations

Chronic gynecological inflammations


Causes of gynecologicalinflammatory diseases

Gynecological inflammatory diseases accounted for about 20% of all pathologies, dividing them according to various criteria:

  • clinical course:
    - acute (sudden onset)
    - chronic (persistent)
    - chronic with acute recurrent attacks
  • site of involvement:
    - inflammation of the lower genital tract (external genitalia, vagina and cervix)
    - internal inflammation (uterus above the vaginal part of the cervix with tendinous ligaments, fallopian tubes and ovaries)
  • origin of the diseases:
    - viral
    - bacterial
    - fungal
    - parasitic
    - allergic

Viral infections with certain types of HPV (human papillomavirus) are directly related to cervical cancer.

Acute inflammations of internal organs manifested by severe pain and fever belong to the emergency gynaecological care and are not the subject of this communication.

Chronic recurrent gynecological inflammation

Chronic inflammation of the external genitalia, vagina and cervix often comes "out of the blue", when the woman is not aware of any provocative stimulus, i.e. that she has "done something wrong", and manifests itself by sudden or gradual onset of symptoms of inflammation. These include: redness, increased temperature at the site, pain or itching, swelling of the tissues, discharge and impaired function of the affected organ.

Causes of occurrence
In order to understand why these attacks occur, we must abandon the classical and accepted idea that only microbes are the causative agents of disease. The cause is always a disturbed balance between external microorganisms, internal microorganisms (in healthy women they normally live in the vagina and are beneficial or neutral) and the vaginal environment (vaginal epithelial lining, mucosal immune system, pH of the environment, presence of macro- and microelements in the mucosa). The hormonal environment in the vagina is important - in particular the role of estrogens has been investigated. The bottom line is that the vaginal environment is an ecosystem with very complex and intertwined relationships that must be in equilibrium in principle.

Current medical research is already working with many partial findings, but a more complete understanding is still far from being achieved. This explains the frequent failures of conventional treatment despite targeted, microbial evidence-based application of antibiotics, antifungals and other antimicrobial drugs. An important memento is the observation that chronic recurrent inflammation further weakens and depletes the immune system and can lead to immune failure in the case of cervical cancer with concurrent infection with high-risk HPV viruses.


Uncontrollable factors:

  • age of the woman (period of hormonal activity)
  • genetic disposition of local immunity
  • primary diseases that affect the vaginal ecosystem, either alone or through drugs or therapies (some autoimmune diseases, radiotherapy, immunosuppressive drugs ... )

Influencing factors:

  • eliminating or at least reducing the frequency and intensity of provocative stimuli
  • diet - sugary foods and white flour pastries, preservatives, other bioactive additives and pesticides in food, one-sided type diet "fast food' and lack of trace elements in the diet
  • use of hormonal contraceptives (for some women, effects on immunity)
  • colds - a provocative factor for dysmicrobial discharges
  • stress management - both work and emotional (reduces immune performance)
  • allergenic factors - searching for, eliminating or reducing allergenic load (condom, semen, allergens in food... )

Classical diagnosis and treatment:

It is diagnosed by clinical examination, determination of vaginal pH, amine test of vaginal secretions with KOH, microscopic examination of the so-called native vaginal smear, culture microbiological examination and DNA tests of microbial agents. Treatment is targeted antimicrobial (ATB, antifungals, antivirals, anti-infective chemotherapeutics) according to the clinical picture and other tests. The pH of the vagina is affected by lactobacilli. Immunomodulatory drugs are administered (recommended by an immunologist). However, in view of the above, they are often not very effective in preventing recurrences.


Chronic recurrent gynecological inflammation and Energy preparations
Energy products mainly act on regulatory hormonal and immune mechanisms that positively affect the vaginal ecosystem. Some of them have a direct antimicrobial action, others supply trace elements. Inflammation can be simplistically divided into three groups in relation to their administration:

Yeast - mycotic
Characterized by burning, redness and itching1 often also a curd-like discharge. Provocative stimuli are dietary error (sweet or baked goods), condition with higher estrogen levels (pregnancy. middle and second half of menstrual cycle, stress). The basic product is Gynex.

Dysmicrobial - bacterial
There is pain in the lower abdomen and a greyish, nonpruritic discharge, sometimes with an abrasion (bacterial vaginosis). The provocation is often a cold, sexual intercourse or stress. The basic product is Renol.

Viral - HSV (herpes simplex virus)
Fortunately, they are considerably rarer, manifested initially by blisters on the external genital area, sparse discharge and considerable soreness, which can
may persist for a prolonged period of time. The basic product is Drags lmun.


Main products
GYNEX - is the main product for yeast infections. It normalizes estrogen levels and is anti-stress. Reduces cravings for sweet foods. Dosage: 3 times a day 5 drops.
RENOL - works very well in dysmicrobial discharges, increases tolerance to provocative stimuli. Improves resistance to infections of the entire genitourinary system. Dosage: 3-5 drops 3 times a day (depending on the condition and chronicity, duration of problems). Reverse reactions may occur.
PROBIOSAN - overall, by administering probiotic cultures and prebiotics, positively affects not only the general immunity, but also the immunity of the urogenital mucous membranes. By improving the function of the intestinal epithelium then also the absorption of important substances such as elements and vitamins. It counteracts constipation. It is indispensable in yeast infections. Dosage: 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.

Complementary products
DRAGS IMUN - a very powerful antiviral and antibacterial agent. It is indispensable in herpetic infections (cold sores), it is used as soon as possible from the first symptoms. It also works very well for microbial discharges, and can be used symptomatically (when the trouble starts) in the form of vaginal rinses. Dosage: a total of 7-9 drops 3 times a day for acute infections, topical treatment of scalding lesions (beware, it irreversibly stains linen!). For treatment and prevention, vaginal lavage in a dilution of 1:1000 (0.5 ml in 0.5 I of lukewarm, previously boiled water - due to chlorination) is sufficient. An irrigator for application is available in pharmacies.
AUOIRON - very effective for soothing mucous membranes and relieving discomfort in yeast and vapour infections. Apply topically, preferably dripping on a slip pad and introducing the dripped tampon into the vagina at night.
GREPOFIT - a universal antimicrobial agent, which works very well not only in gynaecological infections, but also in inflammations of the urinary tract and respiratory tract. Dosage: divide 4-5 capsules into 2-3 doses per day.
FYTOMINERAL - supplement missing microelements in a highly absorbable colloidal form. Dosage: 30 drops in water daily.

The regeneration procedure can also cause a temporary deterioration of the condition, when a so-called reverse reaction occurs. Symptoms of past illnesses may reappear. This is a manifestation of regeneration well underway and should be viewed as such.

Brochure Chronic gynaecological inflammations was prepared by MUDr. Bohdan Haltmar.


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